Enhancing maritime and Arctic domain awareness
Our product

ARCTIC MIST is our dual-use technology solution. A maritime solution used to identify a diverse range of intelligence requirements, including fishing vessels, naval traffic, threats to border security, illegal fishing, pollution, smuggling, and search and rescue missions.

ARCTIC MIST enhances airborne surveillance using AI and sensor fusion to improve operator situational awareness while reducing bandwidth saturation and post-mission human efforts in video analysis and retrieval.
Environmental monitoring and assessment
Very hardware’s small size and weight allow for the integration of ARCTIC MIST aboard almost any aircraft.
ARCTIC MIST’s on-board processing avoids the need for external connection, allowing for faster and more efficient data transfer. Sensitive to bandwidth space.
Persistent situational awareness enhancement.
Dedicated low-power processors run separate neural networks for each sensor input.
No Wi-Fi or SATCOM needed for the most remote missions.
Additional information provided by XAI to give transparency into AI decision making.
A database of computer generated 3D models are created for low cost data collection.
Onboard environmental monitoring and assessment applications for emergency situations involving fishing and cargo vessel tracking, naval traffic, border security threats, search and rescue missions, whale monitoring, and pollution events like oil spills.

Made possible thanks to
1.1 million
received from Transport Canada
2.5 million
federally-funded Two Phase DRDC CSSP
IDEaS 1A Challenge funding for SeaMIST

Whale Seeker Partnership
Utilizing WhaleSeeker’s revolutionary mammal remote detection, TerraSense is supporting Transport Canada’s mission to pinpoint North Atlantic right whales that may be in dangerous shipping lanes.

Testing and Partnership with Transport Canada
TerraSense, in collaboration with Transport Canada’s Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS) team, is bringing ArcticMIST to the future fleet of autonomous aircraft procured by Canada.